在Bridgeport的胸部被刺伤的人;被拘押的嫌疑人,受害者的状况不明。 Person stabbed in chest in Bridgeport; suspect in custody, victim's condition unknown.
星期五清晨在康涅狄格州Bridgeport发生了一起刺伤事件,一人胸部被刺伤,被带往圣文森特医疗中心。 A stabbing occurred early Friday morning in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where a person was stabbed in the chest and taken to St. Vincent's Medical Center. 警察对Ashley街的现场作出反应,此后逮捕了一名目前被拘留的嫌疑人。 Police responded to the scene on Ashley Street and have since apprehended a suspect who is now in custody. 目前尚不清楚受害者的状况。 The condition of the victim is currently unknown.