尼日利亚警察总长下令镇压 " 博科哈拉姆 " 组织袭击者,他们杀害了两名警察。 Nigerian police chief orders crackdown on Boko Haram attackers who killed two officers.
警察总监Kayode Egbetokun下令镇压 " 博科哈拉姆 " 组织恐怖分子嫌疑人,他们于2025年1月9日袭击博尔诺州Nganzai分局警察总部,杀害两名警官。 Inspector-General of Police Kayode Egbetokun has ordered a crackdown on suspected Boko Haram terrorists who attacked the Nganzai Divisional Police Headquarters in Borno State, killing two officers on January 9, 2025. GP已指示助理警察总监部署一切必要资源逮捕攻击者,确保他们将受到审判。 The IGP has directed the Assistant Inspector-General of Police to deploy all necessary resources to apprehend the attackers, assuring that they will face justice. GP还向已死亡军官的家属表示哀悼,并承诺将支付他们的津贴。 The IGP also extended condolences to the families of the deceased officers and promised their benefits would be paid. 尼日利亚警察部队誓言维护安全和问责制。 The Nigeria Police Force vows to maintain security and accountability.