纽约州长凯西霍胡尔 下令州立地标 点燃蓝色的光亮 以尊重执法。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul orders state landmarks lit blue to honor law enforcement.
1月9日, 纽约州州长Kathy Hoghul下令将16个州的地标以深蓝色点亮, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has ordered 16 state landmarks to be lit in dark blue on January 9 to honor National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. 这项倡议旨在承认并感谢执法官员在确保社区安全方面提供的宝贵服务和牺牲。 This initiative aims to recognize and thank law enforcement officers for their valuable service and sacrifices in ensuring community safety. 1世贸中心、尼亚加拉瀑布和帝国大厦等地标将被照亮。 Landmarks such as the 1 World Trade Center, Niagara Falls, and the Empire State Plaza will be illuminated.