Morrison建筑和格拉斯哥科学中心合作伙伴提供免费STEM资源并进入当地学校。 Morrison Construction and Glasgow Science Centre partner to offer free STEM resources and access to local schools.
Morrison建筑中央和格拉斯哥科学中心合作,向几所项目附近的学校提供免费会员资格。 Morrison Construction Building Central and Glasgow Science Centre have partnered to offer free memberships to several schools near their projects. 参与的学校可获得STEM资源、教师培训和访问格拉斯哥科学中心,包括其STEM未来方案。 Participating schools gain access to STEM resources, teacher training, and visits to the Glasgow Science Centre, including its STEM Futures program. 该倡议旨在激励学生在STEM领域从事职业,并为他们提供未来行业的基本技能。 The initiative aims to inspire students toward careers in STEM fields and provide them with essential skills for future industries.