马特尔和东京热播合作创建漫画风格的图形小说,以热轮和芭比角色为特色. Mattel and Tokyopop partner to create manga-style graphic novels featuring Hot Wheels and Barbie characters.
Mattel和Tokyopopo联手为8-12岁儿童制作漫画风格的漫画小说, Mattel and Tokyopop are teaming up to create manga-style graphic novels for kids aged 8-12, featuring characters from Mattel's Hot Wheels and Barbie brands. 首个标题,连同新的艺术作品和故事,将于2026年以印刷品发行。 The first titles, with new artwork and stories, are set to launch in print in 2026. 这一伙伴关系旨在吸引年轻受众参与,并将这些标志性玩具品牌的覆盖面扩大到图形小说的世界。 This partnership aims to engage young audiences and expand the reach of these iconic toy brands into the world of graphic novels.