在爱达荷州90号州际公路上, 一名男子因向女子的SUV开枪而被捕. Man arrested for shooting at woman's SUV during road rage on Interstate 90 in Idaho.
一名来自科达伦的 24 岁男子因涉嫌在爱达荷州波斯特福尔斯 90 号州际公路的路怒事件中向一名女子的 SUV 开枪而被捕。 A 24-year-old man from Coeur d'Alene was arrested after allegedly shooting at a woman's SUV during a road rage incident on Interstate 90 in Post Falls, Idaho. 这名妇女驾驶一辆大众汽车,将枪击事件报告为911。 The woman, driving a Volkswagen, reported the shooting to 911. 警方在她的SUV中发现一个弹孔,随后逮捕了嫌疑人,指控他向车辆开枪、严重殴打和酒后驾车。 Police found a bullet hole in her SUV and later arrested the suspect, charging him with discharging a firearm at a vehicle, aggravated assault, and DUI.