Jean Smart提议推迟颁奖 向洛杉矶消防受害者捐出收入 Jean Smart proposes postponing awards shows, donating revenue to Los Angeles fire victims.
女演员Jean Smart建议推迟颁奖节目, 并将收入捐给洛杉矶火灾造成的火灾受害者。 Actress Jean Smart suggests postponing award shows and donating revenue to fire victims due to Los Angeles fires. CBS推迟了好莱坞广场重开的首映 CBS postponed the premiere of the Hollywood Squares reboot. WWE的周一夜生在Netflix上拥有全球490万次浏览量。 WWE's Monday Night Raw on Netflix had 4.9 million views globally. 科尔曼·多明戈将以史蒂芬·金的《跑步者》为主角 Colman Domingo will star in Stephen King's "The Running Man." Jason Kelce和他的妻子认为他们的第四个孩子的名字不分性别。 Jason Kelce and his wife consider a gender-neutral name for their fourth child. Teddy Swims和Raiche Wright正在等他们的第一个孩子。 Teddy Swims and Raiche Wright are expecting their first child. Arby提供一份"新年,和你一样"菜单 带有健康意识的选项。 Arby's offers a "New Year, Same You" menu with health-conscious options. Rory McCann将取代雷·史蒂文森 在《星球大战》节目 "Ahsoka"中演唱 Rory McCann will replace Ray Stevenson in Star Wars show "Ahsoka."