印度企业推出新的技术装置:无线电源银行和高速充电器。 Indian firms launch new tech gadgets: a wireless power bank and a high-speed charger.
印度科技公司DailyObjects和Noise正在推出新的科技设备, Indian tech firms DailyObjects and Noise are introducing new tech gadgets like the Loop wireless power bank and the Noise Power Series GaN charger. 由3,999卢比至7,499卢比定价的环是印度的第一个Qi2-认证无线电源银行,提供15W快速充电和MagSafe兼容性。 The Loop, priced from Rs 3,999 to Rs 7,499, is India's first Qi2-certified wireless power bank, offering fast 15W charging and MagSafe compatibility. 它有各种mAh容量,并内置Apple Watch充电功能,适用于较大的型号. It comes in various mAh capacities with built-in Apple Watch charging for larger models. 噪音充电器以3,499卢比提供100W输出和快速传输速度。 The Noise charger provides 100W output and fast transfer speeds at Rs 3,499. 这两种产品都有完善的评级,是为拥有多种设备的用户设计的。 Both products are well-rated and designed for users with multiple devices.