独立候选人Kate Dezarnaulds 竞选澳大利亚联邦大选, Independent candidate Kate Dezarnaulds runs for Australian federal election, focusing on local issues.
Berry商会主席Kate Dezarnaulds作为独立候选人参加4月份澳大利亚联邦大选。 Kate Dezarnaulds, president of the Berry Chamber of Commerce, is running as an independent candidate in Australia's upcoming federal election in April. Dezarnaulds对政党政治感到沮丧,旨在解决地方性问题,如气候变化、住房可负担性以及区域基础设施的改善。 Frustrated with party politics, Dezarnaulds aims to address local issues such as climate change, housing affordability, and regional infrastructure improvements. 在自由党和绿党心怀不满的成员的支持下,她参加了越来越多的社区独立人士的运动。 She is part of a growing movement of community independents, supported by disaffected members of both the Liberal and Greens parties.