怀俄明州佩里发生火灾,一名男子于星期五死亡,另有三人住院。 A house fire in Perry, Wyoming County, killed a man and hospitalized three others on Friday.
怀俄明州佩里发生火灾,一名男子在60多岁时丧生,另外三人在星期五上午被严重烧伤住院。 A house fire in Perry, Wyoming County, killed a man in his 60s and hospitalized three others with severe burns on Friday morning. 火灾于上午7: 00左右在水果街的一家人家发生。 The fire started around 7:00 AM at a home on Fruit Street. 警察和消防员救出了一些住户,但未能救出在客厅被发现死亡的男子。 Police and firefighters rescued some occupants but were unable to save the man found dead in the living room. 火灾的起因正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation.