在Chattanooga发生煤油加热器爆炸后爆发了一场房屋火灾,家人安全逃离。 A house fire erupted in Chattanooga after a kerosene heater explosion, with the family escaping safely.
周四早上在Chattanooga's Alton Park附近发生火灾, 煤油加热器因汽油使用不当而爆炸, A house fire broke out in Chattanooga's Alton Park neighborhood on Thursday morning after a kerosene heater exploded due to the incorrect use of gasoline. 屋主拨打911,消防员迅速控制火势,没有伤亡报告。 The homeowner called 911, and firefighters quickly controlled the blaze, with no injuries reported. 祖母和她的宝宝安全逃脱。 The grandmother and her baby escaped safely. 红十字会将协助受影响的家庭。 The Red Cross will assist the affected family.