Hampshire警察扣押了四辆汽车,这四辆汽车在汽车碰面发生危险的驾驶事故,强调安全。 Hampshire police seized four cars involved in dangerous driving incidents at car meets, emphasizing safety.
Hampshire警察在12月28日和1月4日碰头时扣押了四辆涉及危险驾驶事故的汽车。 Hampshire police seized four cars involved in dangerous driving incidents at car meets on December 28 and January 4. 被扣押的车辆包括一辆粉色BMW、一辆灰色BMW、一辆银色Lexus和一辆蓝色BMW。 The seized vehicles include a pink BMW, a grey BMW, a silver Lexus, and a blue BMW. 首席督察Emma Hart强调,警方承诺扣押汽车,对危害公共安全的人采取行动,鼓励公众报告此类事件。 Chief Inspector Emma Hart emphasized the police's commitment to seizing cars and taking action against those who endanger public safety, encouraging the public to report such incidents.