福克斯公司下令 面对27亿美元的诽谤诉讼 由Smartmatic 2020年选举欺诈索赔。 Fox Corp ordered to face $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit from Smartmatic over 2020 election fraud claims.
一个纽约上诉法院裁定Fox Corp必须面对投票机公司Smartmatic提出的27亿美元诽谤诉讼, 指控Fox News散布关于2020年选举中涉及Smartmatic的选举欺诈的虚假指控。 A New York appeals court ruled that Fox Corp must face a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit from voting machine company Smartmatic, alleging Fox News spread false claims of election fraud involving Smartmatic in the 2020 election. 福克斯以前曾用7.87亿美元 解决过一个类似的案件 与管理投票系统。 Fox previously settled a similar case with Dominion Voting Systems for $787 million. Smartmatic 寻求赔偿、道歉和撤回。 Smartmatic seeks damages, an apology, and a retraction. 诉讼方声称福克斯在100多份关于该公司的虚假陈述中 透露了100多份关于该公司的虚假声明 The lawsuit claims Fox aired over 100 false statements about the company. Fox辩称,不应追究其作为记者的责任。 Fox argues it should not be held liable as it was acting as a journalist. 案件现在将进行审判。 The case will now proceed to trial.