Dolce & Gabbana首次巴黎展览, 庆祝意大利工艺品及其全球时尚影响。 Dolce & Gabbana debuts Paris exhibition, celebrating Italian craftsmanship and its global fashion influence.
Dolce & Gabbana首次在巴黎展示了他们的工作,突出介绍了意大利手工艺和时尚的全球影响。 Dolce & Gabbana showcased their work in Paris for the first time, highlighting Italian craftsmanship and the global influences in fashion. 展览“Du Coeur a la Main”展出了 200 多种造型、300 种手工配饰和西西里陶瓷。 The exhibition, "Du Coeur a la Main," featured over 200 looks, 300 handmade accessories, and Sicilian ceramics. 它强调法国和意大利时尚之间具有共同的才智,并强调人类在未来的交往中的重要性。 It emphasized the shared ingenuity between French and Italian fashion and the importance of the human touch in couture. 展品还展示了Smeg冰箱和咖啡压榨机等重塑的日常物品, The exhibit also displayed reworked everyday items like Smeg refrigerators and coffee presses, reflecting the "Made in Italy" ethos.