中国学者在影响教育和创业的AI研究中赢得美国著名金融奖。 Chinese scholar wins prestigious American finance prize for AI research impacting education and entrepreneurship.
张港商学院的赵金教授 在美国金融协会年会上 成为第一位赢得布拉特尔集团奖的中国学者 Professor Jin Zhao from the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business became the first Chinese scholar to win the Brattle Group Prize at the American Finance Association Annual Meeting. 与迈克尔·戈夫曼教授共同撰写的论文, 探讨了人工智能对教育,创业和融资的影响, 并提供了可持续人工智能产业发展的政策建议. Zhao’s paper, co-authored with Professor Michael Gofman, examines the impacts of AI on education, entrepreneurship, and financing, and provides policy recommendations for sustainable AI industry development. 这项研究突出了人工智能人才移徙对教育和创业的负面影响。 The research highlights the negative effects of AI talent migration on education and entrepreneurship.