赢得「Bob说机会敲门」的名人凯瑞·威尔逊死于1月3日的流感并发症。 Celebrity Kerry Wilson, who won "Bob Says Opportunity Knocks," died from flu complications on Jan 3.
56 岁的英国娱乐明星凯里·威尔逊 (Kerry Wilson) 以出现在电视和广播中而闻名,包括赢得“鲍勃说机会来敲门”,她在感染流感后去世,流感导致败血症。 Kerry Wilson, a 56-year-old British entertainment star known for her TV and radio appearances, including winning "Bob Says Opportunity Knocks," died after contracting the flu, which led to sepsis. 威尔逊于1月3日死于昏迷中 Wilson was placed in an induced coma and passed away on January 3. 她的母亲Linda强调了她女儿的善意,并敦促人们在Wilson因前次副作用而跳过流感后接种疫苗。 Her mother, Linda, highlighted her daughter's kindness and urged people to get vaccinated after Wilson had skipped the flu shot due to previous side effects.