Burlington市长要求警察新闻稿获得批准,以加强监督和保护公平审判。 Burlington mayor requires approval for police press releases to enhance oversight and protect fair trials.
Burlington市长Emma Mulvaney-Stanak发布了一项行政命令,要求除紧急情况外,所有警方新闻稿均须得到她的办公室的批准。 Burlington Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak issued an executive order requiring her office's approval for all police press releases, except in emergencies. 这一行动旨在加强监督和保护公平审判程序,以回应一名惯犯律师提出的关切。 This move aims to increase oversight and protect fair trial processes, following concerns raised by a lawyer for a repeat offender. 该命令将一直有效,直到新政策获得批准。 The order will stay in effect until a new policy is approved.