阿塞拜疆将在2025年为巴库的系统增添20辆新的地铁汽车,提高效率和安全性。 Azerbaijan to add 20 new metro cars to Baku's system in 2025, enhancing efficiency and safety.
阿塞拜疆计划按照副部长Rahman Humbatov宣布的那样,于2025年在巴库地铁系统中增加20辆新的地铁汽车。 Azerbaijan plans to add 20 new metro cars to the Baku Metro system in 2025, as announced by Deputy Minister Rahman Humbatov. 这是一项更广泛的协定的一部分,从2024年到2026年交付65辆新车,目的是提高地铁系统的效率和能力。 This addition is part of a broader agreement to deliver 65 new cars from 2024 to 2026, aimed at improving the efficiency and capacity of the metro system. 新车将增加使用现代特征和安全措施的通勤经验,支持巴库日益增长的公共交通需求。 The new cars will enhance the commuting experience with modern features and safety measures, supporting Baku's growing public transport needs.