Austin警察对一家H-E-B商店的炸弹威胁进行了调查;未发现爆炸物,一人被拘留。 Austin police investigated a bomb threat at an H-E-B store; no explosives found, one person detained.
奥斯汀警方对西北奥斯汀一家H-E-B商店的炸弹威胁作出反应,发现一辆可疑的被遗弃车辆。 Austin police responded to a bomb threat at an H-E-B store in Northwest Austin, finding a suspicious abandoned vehicle. 炸弹小组确定它不是爆炸装置。 The Bomb Squad determined it was not an explosive device. 有一人被拘留,商店暂时关闭。 One person was detained, and the store was temporarily closed. 没有报告有人受伤,当局仍在调查。 No injuries were reported, and authorities are still investigating.