Arizona Green Guys必须在3月1日前停止作业并移除堆肥, Arizona Green Guys must stop operations and remove compost by March 1 due to smell complaints and permit issues.
在与Maricopa县的和解中,堆肥商种植商市场(又称亚利桑那州绿色伙伴)将在3月1日前停止营业,并移除所有堆肥材料,因为有人抱怨有气味和缺乏适当的许可证。 In a settlement with Maricopa County, the composting business Growers Market, known as Arizona Green Guys, will cease operations and remove all composting materials by March 1, following complaints about the smell and lack of proper permits. 该公司必须在1月20日之前停止研磨作业,不能将新材料带入工地。 The company must halt grinding operations by January 20 and cannot bring new materials to the site. 如不遵守,将每日罚款1 000美元。 Failure to comply will result in a $1,000 daily fine. 县督导Steve Gallardo表示缓解,注意到该定居点解决了居民的关切。 County Supervisor Steve Gallardo expressed relief, noting the settlement addresses residents' concerns.