Alexandros Josephides,30年的航运老兵,从2025年4月开始领导塞浦路斯海运公会。 Alexandros Josephides, a 30-year shipping veteran, to lead Cyprus Shipping Chamber starting April 2025.
Alexandros Josephides是塞浦路斯海运公会(CSC)30年的老手,自2025年4月1日起被任命为新总干事。 Alexandros Josephides, a 30-year veteran of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC), has been appointed as its new Director General starting April 1, 2025. Josephides是一名机械工程师,以前担任过船舶勘测员,将接替托马斯·卡扎科斯,他将成为伦敦国际海运公会秘书长。 Josephides, a mechanical engineer with previous roles as a ship surveyor, will succeed Thomas Kazakos, who is set to become the Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping in London. Josephides也是海事组织2015年以来的亲善海事大使,目的是在全球促进塞浦路斯航运利益。 Josephides, also an IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador since 2015, aims to advance Cypriot shipping interests globally.