以《严格来跳舞》(Strictly Come Dancing)而闻名的韦恩·埃文斯(Wynne Evans)哀悼他的兄弟休(Huw),他是一名大律师,也是他的英雄。 Wynne Evans, known for "Strictly Come Dancing," mourns his brother Huw, a barrister and his hero.
歌剧歌手和 Strictly Come Dancing 明星 Wynne Evans 宣布他的哥哥 Huw 去世,他将 Huw 描述为他的英雄和灵感来源。 Opera singer and Strictly Come Dancing star Wynne Evans announced the death of his older brother, Huw, whom he described as his hero and inspiration. Huw 是来自南威尔士卡马森的大律师,是三兄弟中的长子。 Huw, a barrister from Carmarthen, South Wales, was the eldest of three brothers. Wynne 在 Instagram 上分享了照片,得到了粉丝和 Strictly 明星的支持。 Wynne shared photos on Instagram, receiving support from fans and fellow Strictly stars. Huw 的去世深深影响了 Wynne,他感谢大家的哀悼。 Huw's passing has deeply affected Wynne, who thanked everyone for their condolences.