摔跤手克里斯·杰里科 (Chris Jericho) 主演了恐怖片《黑暗比赛》(Dark Match),该片将于 1 月 31 日在 Shudder 上播放。 Wrestler Chris Jericho stars in horror film "Dark Match," streaming January 31 on Shudder.
恐怖片《黑暗比赛》由摔跤手克里斯·杰里科主演,将于 1 月 31 日开始在 Shudder 上播放。 Horror film "Dark Match" stars wrestler Chris Jericho and will stream on Shudder starting January 31. 这部电影跟随着一家小型摔跤公司 在一个偏远的小镇上从事高薪工作 却发现自己身处险恶的邪教领袖所操纵的一场致命比赛中 The movie follows a small wrestling company that takes a high-paying gig in a remote town, only to find themselves in a deadly match run by a sinister cult leader. 演员包括Ayisha Issa、Steven Ogg、Sara Canning、Michael Eklund和Jonathan Cherry。 The cast includes Ayisha Issa, Steven Ogg, Sara Canning, Michael Eklund, and Jonathan Cherry. 由Lowell Dean导演, 它承诺Gore和悬念。 Directed by Lowell Dean, it promises gore and suspense.