梅丽莎·里弗斯在洛杉矶的野火中拯救了她的母亲琼·里弗斯1990年的艾米奖。 Melissa Rivers rescued her mother Joan Rivers' 1990 Emmy Award amid Los Angeles wildfires.
梅丽莎·里弗斯拯救了她的母亲琼·里弗斯1990年的埃米奖和其他珍爱物品 从她在洛杉矶野火中的家中救出。 Melissa Rivers saved her mother Joan Rivers' 1990 Emmy Award and other cherished items from her home in the Los Angeles wildfires. 在她撤离时,她把必需品和不可替代的纪念物列为优先事项,强调了应急准备的重要性。 As she evacuated, she prioritized essentials and irreplaceable mementos, highlighting the importance of emergency preparedness. 火灾影响到许多名人,使该地区超过13万居民流离失所。 The fires have affected numerous celebrities and displaced over 130,000 residents in the area.