肯塔基州总检察长宣布克罗格公司因涉嫌滥用阿片类药物而达成1. 1亿美元的和解协议. Kentucky Attorney General announces $110M Kroger settlement over alleged opioid misuse.
肯塔基州总检察长罗素·科尔曼宣布 与克罗格达成1亿1千万元的和解 以帮助解决阿片危机 Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman has announced a $110 million settlement with Kroger to help combat the opioid crisis. Kroger的药店在2006年至2019年期间在肯塔基州发放了4.44亿剂类阿片, The lawsuit alleged that Kroger's pharmacies dispensed 444 million opioid doses in Kentucky between 2006 and 2019 without adequate monitoring. 一半住区将迁至城市和县,另一半将由国家咨询委员会管理。 Half of the settlement will go to cities and counties, while the other half will be managed by a state advisory commission. 付款额将分九年支付。 Payments will be spread over nine years. 这一解决方案旨在支持恢复工作,并解决该州高剂量过量死亡率问题。 This settlement aims to support recovery efforts and address the high rates of overdose deaths in the state.