在缅因州Kennebunk,一名帮手在协助坠机现场时被一辆汽车击中,造成2人受伤。 In Kennebunk, Maine, a helper was hit by a car while aiding at the scene of a crash, injuring two.
缅因州Kennebunk的一位好撒玛利亚人, 在1月8日海路坠毁现场帮忙时, 被一辆车撞伤。 A good Samaritan in Kennebunk, Maine, was hit by a car while helping at the scene of a crash on Sea Road on January 8. 最初的车祸涉及一辆汽车撞到一棵树,当另一辆车撞到他们时,撒玛利亚人在协助。 The initial crash involved a car hitting a tree, and the Samaritan was assisting when another vehicle struck them. 第一辆车的司机和撒玛利亚人被送往Biddeford和波特兰的医院。 Both the driver of the first car and the Samaritan were taken to different hospitals in Biddeford and Portland. 他们的状况和对第二次碰撞负责的驾驶员的身份仍未披露。 Their conditions and the identity of the driver responsible for the second collision remain undisclosed.