Garcelle Beauvais 来自《贝弗利山的真正家庭主妇》 披露了和Johnny Depp的过去吻 Garcelle Beauvais, known from "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," disclosed a past kiss with Johnny Depp.
Garcelle Beauvais, 《比佛利山真正的家庭主妇》的明星, 在最近的一集中披露, 她曾经和Johnny Depp 在他曾经拥有的迈阿密俱乐部Viper Room上“亲吻”过。 Garcelle Beauvais, a star from "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," revealed on a recent episode that she once "made out" with Johnny Depp at a Miami club he used to own, The Viper Room. Beauvais讨论过去的关系时, 她的化妆师确认了Depp以前对俱乐部的所有权。 The disclosure came as Beauvais discussed past relationships, and her makeup artist confirmed Depp's previous ownership of the club. 这一发现增加了博韦与名人约会的历史,包括 Eddie Murphy 和 Will Smith。 This revelation adds to Beauvais's history of dating celebrities, including Eddie Murphy and Will Smith.