民谣歌手彼得·亚罗 (Peter Yarrow) 是 Peter, Paul and Mary 的联合创始人,在与癌症作斗争后去世,享年 86 岁。 Folk singer Peter Yarrow, co-founder of Peter, Paul and Mary, died at 86 after battling cancer.
彼得·亚罗 (Peter Yarrow) 是民谣三人组彼得、保罗和玛丽 (Peter, Paul and Mary) 的重要成员,在与膀胱癌作斗争后去世,享年 86 岁。 Peter Yarrow, a key member of the folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary, has died at 86 after battling bladder cancer. 这三人组以“Puff the Magic Dragon”等热门歌曲而闻名,在 1960 年代取得了重大成功,赢得了五项格莱美奖并促进了社会事业。 The trio, known for hits like "Puff the Magic Dragon," had significant success in the 1960s, winning five Grammy Awards and promoting social causes. Yarrow 与人合写了该乐队的许多著名歌曲,并一直活跃到他去世。 Yarrow co-wrote many of the group's famous songs and was active until his passing.