老年妇女在伦敦公共汽车上心脏病发作后死亡;警察调查司机的行动。 Elderly woman dies after cardiac arrest on London bus; police investigate driver's actions.
1月4日, 一名78岁女性因12月28日在Finchley的伦敦公交车上心脏病发作而死亡。 A 78-year-old woman died on January 4 after suffering a cardiac arrest on a London bus in Finchley on December 28. 公共汽车司机正在协助警察进行调查,目的是确定他的行动是否促成了这一事件。 The bus driver is assisting police in their investigation, which aims to determine if his actions contributed to the incident. 没有逮捕任何人,警方正在呼吁在公共汽车上作证但在警察到来前离开的证人出庭。 No arrests have been made, and the police are appealing for witnesses who were on the bus but left before officers arrived to come forward.