AI监管风险管理公司《摘要》筹集了4.8百万美元,以加强政策分析和实时洞察力。 Abstract, an AI regulatory risk management firm, raises $4.8M to enhance policy analysis and real-time insights.
" 摘要 " 是一个帮助企业利用AI管理监管风险的公司,已经筹集了480万美元的种子资金。 Abstract, a company that helps businesses manage regulatory risks using AI, has raised $4.8 million in seed funding. 这些资金将用于提高平台分析政府政策的能力,并提供包括社交媒体和新闻在内的各种来源的实时见解。 The funds will be used to improve the platform's ability to analyze government policies and provide real-time insights from various sources, including social media and news. 摘要创立于2019年,已经与200多个组织合作,现在的资金总额超过900万美元。 Founded in 2019, Abstract has already worked with over 200 organizations and now has a total funding of over $9 million.