AAP领导人Kejriwal要求将贾特列入OBC名单, 指控BJP在德里选举前背叛。 AAP leader Kejriwal demands Jat inclusion in OBC list, accusing BJP of betrayal ahead of Delhi elections.
在德里议会选举之前, Aam Aadmi党领袖阿尔文德·凯吉里瓦尔(Arvind Kejriwal)指控人民党领导的中央政府背叛Jat社区, Ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal has accused the BJP-led central government of betraying the Jat community by not including them in the central OBC list, despite promises made in the past. Kejriwal 写信给总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi),要求将德里的 Jat 社区纳入中央 OBC 名单,以便为他们提供中央大学和政府工作的保留福利。 Kejriwal wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, demanding the inclusion of the Jat community from Delhi in the central OBC list to provide them with reservation benefits in central universities and government jobs. 随着德里议会选举定于2月5日举行,这一要求也随之而来。 This demand comes as the Delhi Assembly elections are scheduled for February 5.