一名60岁的男子在悉尼一个工地被困在一个倒塌的水箱下后死亡。 A 60-year-old man died after being trapped under a falling water tank at a worksite in Sydney.
一名60岁的男子在西尼西北的Eastwood的一处工地被困在水箱下面后死亡。 A 60-year-old man died at a worksite in Eastwood, northwest Sydney, after being trapped under a falling water tank. 紧急服务于上午8时45分到达,但无法救出在现场死亡的男子。 Emergency services arrived at 8:45 am but could not save the man, who died at the scene. 新南威尔士州SafeWork正在调查该事件,并将向验尸官报告。 The incident is being investigated by SafeWork NSW and will be reported to the coroner.