环球演播室好莱坞和城市沃尔克因严重的圣安娜风和野火而关闭。 Universal Studios Hollywood and CityWalk closed due to severe Santa Ana winds and wildfires.
由于洛杉矶的极端大风和野火,好莱坞环球影城和环球城市大道周三关闭。 Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal CityWalk closed Wednesday due to extreme winds and wildfires in Los Angeles. 如果条件改善,公园预计星期四重新开放。 The park expects to reopen Thursday if conditions improve. 关闭之际,圣安娜的风是十多年来最强的,引发了多起火灾,导致超过 30,000 名居民疏散并取消了多项活动。 The closure comes as Santa Ana winds, the strongest in over a decade, have sparked multiple fires, causing over 30,000 residents to evacuate and canceling several events.