英国消防部门警告说,电动毯式消防有冷电击的危险,为安全使用提供建议。 UK fire services warn of electric blanket fire risks as cold snap hits, advising on safe usage.
在英国寒冷的气温下, 消防服务就电毯安全提供了建议。 As cold temperatures hit the UK, fire services advise on electric blanket safety. Staffordshire消防救援队和伦敦消防队警告火灾风险,建议检查被损坏的电缆,直接插入墙塞,在床前解开插头。 Staffordshire Fire and Rescue and the London Fire Brigade warn of fire risks and recommend checking for damaged cables, plugging directly into wall sockets, and unplugging before bed. 他们还建议避免使用气流床垫或热水瓶,每隔10年更换毯子,而不是购买二手货。 They also suggest avoiding use with airflow mattresses or hot water bottles, replacing blankets every 10 years, and not purchasing second-hand.