最佳象棋选手法比亚诺卡鲁阿纳(Fabiano Caruana), 一位过去获奖者, 将参加2025年挪威象棋锦标赛比赛。 Top chess player Fabiano Caruana, a past winner, will compete in the 2025 Norway Chess tournament.
国际国际象棋联合会评分为2803,世界排名第二的法比亚诺·卡鲁阿纳将参加挪威2025国际象棋锦标赛,这是他第八次参加. Fabiano Caruana, ranked second in the world with a FIDE rating of 2803, will participate in the Norway Chess 2025 tournament, marking his eighth appearance. 卡鲁阿纳以其精确和强大的开场准备而闻名,曾四次获得美国冠军。 Known for his precision and strong opening preparation, Caruana is a four-time U.S. 象棋冠军和前挪威象棋冠军。 Chess Champion and a former Norway Chess winner. 预计他的参与将大大提升锦标赛的威望。 His involvement is expected to significantly boost the tournament's prestige.