Teen rapper Kelyan Bokassa, 14岁,在伦敦的一辆公共汽车上被致命刺伤;警方寻找证人。 Teen rapper Kelyan Bokassa, 14, was fatally stabbed on a bus in London; police seek witnesses.
一个14岁的有抱负的说唱歌手Kelyan Bokassa,星期二下午在伦敦Woolwich的一辆公共汽车上被致命刺伤。 A 14-year-old aspiring rapper, Kelyan Bokassa, was fatally stabbed on a bus in Woolwich, London, on Tuesday afternoon. 他的母亲声称,他被帮派 " 引诱 " ,在街头生活了一年。 His mother claimed he had been "groomed" by gangs and had been living on the streets for a year. 大都会警方将这次攻击描述为“可怕”, The Metropolitan Police described the attack as "horrendous" and urged anyone with information to come forward. 迄今尚未逮捕任何人员,调查仍在进行中。 No arrests have been made yet, and the investigation is ongoing.