嫌犯D'Angelo Toomer在北卡罗来纳州抢劫案绑架书记员后 在田纳西州被逮捕 Suspect D'Angelo Toomer arrested in Tennessee after kidnapping clerk during robbery in North Carolina.
一名涉嫌在北卡罗来纳州绑架和持械抢劫的嫌疑人在田纳西州Unicoi县被捕, A suspect wanted for kidnapping and armed robbery in North Carolina was arrested in Unicoi County, Tennessee, after a brief chase. 事件涉及一名便利商店夜间办事员,他被发现被绑在嫌疑人车辆的后座,但没有受伤。 The incident involved a convenience store night clerk who was found tied up in the backseat of the suspect's vehicle, but was unharmed. 嫌犯被确认为40岁的D'Angelo Toomer,有犯罪历史,在26个州附近被逮捕。 The suspect, identified as 40-year-old D'Angelo Toomer with a criminal history, was apprehended near Interstate 26.