Steven Leckenby在El Paso被捕,被控对儿童进行性攻击;警长寻求更多的受害者。 Steven Leckenby arrested in El Paso for alleged child sexual assaults; sheriff seeks more victims.
42岁的Steven Leckenby在El Paso县被捕,罪名是2012年起对儿童,包括家庭成员进行性攻击。 Steven Leckenby, 42, was arrested in El Paso County on charges of sexually assaulting children, including family members, from 2012 onwards. 埃尔帕索县治安官办公室怀疑有更多的受害者,正在寻求公众帮助,在719-520-7777时拨打一条举报线。 The El Paso County Sheriff's Office suspects additional victims and is seeking public help by calling a tip line at 719-520-7777. Leckenby持有75,000美元的保证金。 Leckenby is held on a $75,000 bond. 警长Joseph Roybal强调社区致力于保护儿童和追究掠食者的责任。 Sheriff Joseph Roybal emphasized the community's commitment to protecting children and holding predators accountable.