新加坡警告在数据泄露超过50万个身份后不要滥用NRIC号码。 Singapore warns against misuse of NRIC numbers after data breach exposed over 500,000 identities.
新加坡数字发展部长Josephine Teo警告不要滥用国家登记身份证号码,强调这些号码不应被用作密码或认证。 Singapore's Minister for Digital Development Josephine Teo has warned against the misuse of National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) numbers, emphasizing they should not be used as passwords or for authentication. 在12月9日至13日期间,对Bizfile门户网站进行了50多万次搜索,当时暴露了全部的NRIC数字,远远超过正常流量。 Over 500,000 searches were made on the Bizfile portal between December 9-13, when full NRIC numbers were exposed, far exceeding normal traffic. 该门户很快关闭,服务恢复,没有显示NRIC的数字。 The portal was quickly shut down, and the service resumed without showing NRIC numbers. Teo强调,需要改进数据保护做法,并建议公众避免为安全目的使用NRIC号码。 Teo stressed the need for better data protection practices and advised the public to avoid using NRIC numbers for security purposes.