SAG奖因洛杉矶野火、切换新闻稿而取消了现场提名活动。 SAG Awards cancels in-person nominations event due to Los Angeles wildfires, switches to press release.
由于洛杉矶严重的野火和强风, 屏幕演员协会(SAG)的奖项取消了现场提名公告。 The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards has canceled its in-person nominations announcement due to the severe wildfires and strong winds in Los Angeles. 电影和电视节目的提名现在将通过新闻稿而不是现场活动公布。 The nominations for film and TV performances will now be released via press release instead of a live event. 由Kristen Bell主办的第31届SAG年度颁奖仪式仍定于2月23日在Netflix上直播。 The 31st annual SAG Awards ceremony, hosted by Kristen Bell, is still scheduled to stream live on Netflix on February 23. 野火还导致取消其他娱乐活动,包括电影首映会。 The wildfires have also led to the cancellation of other entertainment events, including movie premieres.