自5月以来,已有25 000多名新加坡人利用未来技能信贷来提升技能。 Over 25,000 Singaporeans have used SkillsFuture Credit to upgrade their skills since May.
自2024年5月启动以来,已有25 000多名40岁及以上新加坡人使用了4 000美元技能未来信贷补充金。 Over 25,000 Singaporeans aged 40 and above have used the $4,000 SkillsFuture Credit top-up since its launch in May 2024. 最受欢迎的培训领域是信息和通信技术,以及安全和调查、零售贸易等其他受追求的领域。 The most popular training area was information and communication technologies, with other sought-after fields including security and investigation, and retail trade. " 未来技能水平提升方案 " 旨在帮助中层职业工人重新掌握技能,还计划提供补贴,以便从2025年起再攻读一份全日制文凭。 The SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme, aiming to help mid-career workers refresh their skills, also plans to offer subsidies for pursuing another full-time diploma from 2025.