渥太华县任命前警长Gary Rosema为临时行政官,进行7至4次分裂投票。 Ottawa County appoints former Sheriff Gary Rosema as interim admin in a divisive 7-4 vote.
密歇根州渥太华县已任命前警长Gary Rosema为临时县行政长官。 Ottawa County, Michigan, has appointed former Sheriff Gary Rosema as the interim county administrator in a 7-4 vote. 2016年退休的Rosema将任职六个月,因为国家寻求永久替代。 Rosema, who retired in 2016, will serve a six-month term as the county seeks a permanent replacement. 这项任命反映了专员之间的分裂,11月当选的新成员不同于与极端保守团体渥太华影响小组一致的成员。 The appointment reflects a divide among the commissioners, with new members elected in November differing from those aligned with the ultra-conservative group Ottawa Impact.