俄勒冈州推出野火危害地图,以新的建筑法规和植被规则影响106,000户家庭。 Oregon rolls out wildfire hazard maps, impacting 106,000 homes with new building codes and vegetation rules.
俄勒冈州推出了新的野火危险地图,将某些地区划分为低、中、高风险类别,影响到约106,000个税区。 Oregon has introduced new wildfire hazard maps that classify certain areas into low, moderate, and high-risk categories, affecting about 106,000 tax lots. 高风险地区的房主必须遵守更严格的建筑法规,并减少其住宅周围的植被,以尽量减少火灾风险。 Homeowners in high-risk areas must follow stricter building codes and reduce vegetation around their homes to minimize fire risks. 这一行动是在近年来破纪录的野火发生后采取的,目的是保护社区和家园免遭日益严重的野火威胁。 This move follows record-breaking wildfires in recent years, with the aim of protecting communities and homes from increasing wildfire threats.