内华达国王金矿公司在亚特兰大金矿 钻探6600米的钻井 以新的目标进行扩张 Nevada King Gold Corp. drills 6,600 meters at Atlanta Gold Mine, seeks expansion with new targets.
内华达国王金矿公司在内华达亚特兰大金矿项目的第三阶段项目中 总共完成了26个钻孔 总共6 600米 Nevada King Gold Corp. has completed 26 drill holes totaling 6,600 meters in its Phase III program at the Atlanta Gold Mine Project in Nevada. 目标是将矿化向南扩大到南夸尔兹海脊目标,并找到新的矿床。 The aim is to expand mineralization south into the South Quartzite Ridge Target and find new deposits. 该公司已请求允许增加47个钻探场和1.9公里新道路,以进入沿山脊和其他目标的测试区。 The company has requested permission for 47 more drill sites and 1.9 km of new roads to access testing areas along the ridge and other targets.