数亿富翁布莱恩·约翰逊每年花200万美元用于抗老化治疗和补充药物,这在Netflix电影中记录。 Multimillionaire Bryan Johnson spends $2 million annually on anti-aging treatments and supplements, documented in a Netflix film.
数亿富翁布莱恩·约翰逊,47岁,每年花费约200万美元追求永恒的青春,包括每日“绿色巨人”饮料和54片药丸。 Multimillionaire Bryan Johnson, 47, spends about $2 million yearly on his quest for eternal youth, including a daily "green giant" drink and 54 pills. 这种饮料含有,氨基酸和原蛋白等成分. The drink contains ingredients like chlorella, amino acids, and collagen. Johnson不是医学专业人士,他也从事轻度治疗、心率监测和锻炼。 Johnson, not a medical professional, also engages in light therapy, heart rate monitoring, and workouts. 他的努力在Netflix纪录片《不要死:想永远生活的人》中有详细描述。 His efforts are detailed in the Netflix documentary "Don't Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever."