Meghan Markle在Instagram上哀悼她营救的Beatle Guy, 在他过世后分享悼念。 Meghan Markle mourns her rescue beagle Guy on Instagram, sharing tributes after his passing.
Meghan Markle, 苏塞克斯公爵夫人, 哀悼她失去在Instagram上的救援犬, Guy。 Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, mourned the loss of her rescue beagle, Guy, on Instagram. 盖伊在2015年收养了她,陪伴她度过了重要的生活事件,包括她在"西装"中的时间,她与哈利王子的婚姻,以及他们孩子的出生. Adopted in 2015, Guy accompanied her through significant life events, including her time on Suits, her marriage to Prince Harry, and the birth of their children. 此人面临严重的健康挑战,包括一次严重事故,需要多次手术。 Guy faced serious health challenges, including a severe accident that required multiple surgeries. Markle对治疗他的兽医小组深表感谢,并向她心爱的宠物分享一段视频嘉奖,强调他多年来提供的无条件的爱。 Markle expressed deep gratitude to the veterinary team that treated him and shared a video tribute to her beloved pet, emphasizing the unconditional love he provided over the years.