萨福克郡的麦当劳在“Convenience of the Future”下关闭以进行升级,该计划将于 3 月重新开放。 McDonald's in Suffolk closes for upgrades under "Convenience of the Future," set to reopen in March.
McDonald's in Barton Mills, 靠近Suffolk的Mildenhall, 12月12日关闭, McDonald's in Barton Mills, near Mildenhall, Suffolk, closed on December 12 for a refurbishment under the "Convenience of the Future" program. 改进措施包括新建一个驱动式车厢、重新安排驱动式车厢和升级室外座位。 The improvements include a new drive-thru booth, rearranged drive-thru bays, and upgraded outdoor seating. 该餐馆获得了西苏福克理事会的批准,预计3月将重新开放,但确切日期尚不清楚。 The restaurant, which received approval from West Suffolk Council, is expected to reopen in March, though the exact date is not yet known.