马修·马勒(Matthew Muller),“美国噩梦”,在2015年供认关押三名受害者勒索赎金后,面临新的绑架指控。 Matthew Muller, the "American Nightmare," faces new kidnapping charges after confessing to holding three victims for ransom in 2015.
马修·穆勒(Matthew Muller)被称为“美国噩梦”绑匪, 面对2015年加州康达县绑架和赎金案的新指控。 Matthew Muller, known as the "American Nightmare" kidnapper, is facing new charges for a 2015 kidnapping and ransom case in Contra Costa County, California. Muller已经因2015年Denise Huskins绑架和强奸Denise Huskins而被判处40年联邦徒刑,他在与当局的通信中承认了新的罪行。 Muller, who is already serving a 40-year federal sentence for the 2015 kidnapping and rape of Denise Huskins, confessed to the new crime during correspondence with authorities. 该案涉及扣押三名受害者索要赎金,但他们选择保持匿名。 The case involves holding three victims for ransom, but they chose to remain anonymous. Muller还与1990年代以来的其他罪行有关,包括性攻击和家庭入侵。 Muller is also linked to additional crimes dating back to the 1990s, including sexual assaults and home invasions. Denise Huskins和Aaron Quinn的坚持 导致发现这些新的指控 Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn's persistence in their case led to the discovery of these new charges.