马来西亚数字部长强调在访问印度期间潜在的技术协作。 Malaysia's Digital Minister highlights potential tech collaboration during visit to India.
马来西亚数字部长Gobind Singh Deo对印度-马来西亚关系的未来表示乐观,强调强大的历史和文化联系。 Malaysia's Digital Minister, Gobind Singh Deo, expressed optimism about the future of India-Malaysia relations, highlighting strong historical and cultural ties. Deo在访问印度Bhubaneswar期间赞扬了印度的数字进步,并讨论了加强技术合作的潜力。 During his visit to Bhubaneswar, India, Deo praised India's digital advancements and discussed the potential for increased collaboration in technology. 他提到了马来西亚-印度数字理事会的发展,以加强数字转型方面的合作。 He mentioned the development of a Malaysia-India Digital Council to enhance cooperation in digital transformation.