“在失落的土地上”,主演Milla Jovovich和Dave Bautista, 用一辆新的拖车预览其幻想行动。 "In the Lost Lands," starring Milla Jovovich and Dave Bautista, previews its fantasy action with a new trailer.
电影"在失落的土地",由米拉·乔沃维奇和戴夫·巴蒂斯塔主演的新预告片, The new trailer for "In the Lost Lands," starring Milla Jovovich and Dave Bautista, showcases an upcoming action-fantasy film directed by Paul W.S. 安德森。 Anderson. 根据乔治·R.R.的短篇小说 Based on a short story by George R.R. 马丁,它跟着一个女巫 被送往一个危险的王国 寻找一种神奇的力量 来改造人类狼人 Martin, it follows a sorceress sent to a perilous realm to find a magical power for human werewolf transformation. 这部影片定于2025年2月28日发行, 将幻想与行动与包括Arly Jover和Fraser James在内的演员混为一谈。 The film, set for release on February 28, 2025, blends fantasy and action with a cast including Arly Jover and Fraser James.